


Happiness is the result of one’s relationship with the Universe. It is a philosophy, a point of view. Although we have this misconception that happiness depends on the state of the current companionship in life, it actually dwells within. It mirrors the understanding of existence and the earthling’s individual thought forms about the word.

Happiness is in your mind

There is a serious misconception about HAPPINESS out there, for it is always connected to conditions: either material or emotional. However, HAPPINESS is not achievable through the fulfilment of certain desires. The “I’ll be happy if” syndrome brings tremendous heartache into the lives of earthlings. Due to the fact that everything is interrelated, a condition is always followed by another one creating an endless string of requirements. On one hand, these phenomena provide the earthling with the essential movement needed for constant motion in existence. However, on the other hand, the constant desire chasing and lack of achievement bring in depression, crossed emotions and lack of awareness in real-time living. Conditions fulfil only in the future, so these earthlings do not live life in the present. Also, the future will always be in the future.

HAPPINESS is a way of looking at life.

It is a philosophy. A state of mind that only arrives by understanding events, the interrelations, the universe and the self in it. It is the Knowledge. The greatest Wisdom one needs to not only chase but catch also, in the shape of KEYWORDS in order to open untouched folders in the memory compartment of the brain. 

In the end, the quality of life results from one’s understanding of the Universe at a given time and aspect. Staying with happiness is an overwhelming emotional state that occurs when the individual earthling reaches the point of fulfilment, which brings clarity concerning the interrelations of events.

Do not mistake happiness with the surface idea of peace and harmony. Earthlings seek as the ultimate result of good living. Although they are practically the same, the understanding is not. As an example, when we say: leave me in peace we actually mean that we should be left alone in our nutshell, with familiar thoughts and ideas. However, it is the darker pole of existence with no interaction and motion. It is the greatest pitfall, the stillness, the vegetating.

Happiness is a way of living

As a cycle, life is a catch 22 situation, provided by the pushing–pulling motion of the conscious and the sub-conscious. It is the Ying and Yan motion. Although the soul is immortal, the physical body has its time limits. As a result, a cycle of earthly living is restricted to the well-functioning of this evolutionary tool. It is why earthlings spend a lifetime protecting the physical body by putting a roof over it, dress, clean, feed, comfort it, take it to the gym, put it through emotional effects and all kinds of pleasure. We do that because it is through the body we experience and evolve. This motion keeps the body alive. On the other hand, in our mind, we rush through life only touching the steps we planned to walk while thinking about the next station on the row.

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