Category: self awareness

Premium Courses, Books, Services

Rocks Sand Ex-Files

How to keep your gut happy Premium course

  Have you tried all available diets to ease your digestion problems? Your blood sugar level and cholesterol do not move despite your efforts, fatigue is a daily companion, and you are losing pleasure in the process? Your mission – if you choose to accept it – is to learn about the multiple effects on…
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Self-Healing with the 4 Elements Premium Course

The health and function of our physical existence depend on the blend of the 4 basic elements within. In this premium course, you learn the importance of the elements and come to understand their relevance. You learn to cleanse, raise your frequency and use the 4 coded-guided meditations in your self-healing and the healing of…
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The metaphysical relationship of the stones

Trust Yourself to Trust Others Premium Course

Without trust, there is no life, only suffering. Every opportunity for joy and merriness turns into a bitter argument or silent sulking.  Soon your body would show signs of the unhealthy approach towards life, and everybody in it. Learn to understand and conquer your suspicion.  

Sensible dating Premium Course

Dating is a tricky business. Since similar energies like each other, you will attract people with similar characteristics as yourself. It is also a very dangerous road to set out to find your other half. Two half people never make a good couple. In this course we work on that too.

Intuitive Intimacy Premium Course

  Are you in a relationship, and wonder why intimacy fails to bring you the desired effect, feels exhausting to live up to expectations, and your individual goals don’t receive enough support? Brace yourself, you’re on the right path!  Your mission – if you choose to accept it – is finding the missing elements, you…
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