Bundles – Offers

Latest offers from the WanderWisdom Club

Why don’t you surprise a loved one with one or even all of the offers on this Page? They make great and thoughtful gifts for the Holiday season. Just put the name and email address of the lucky person in the comment at payment and we will wrap them up for you and deliver on your given date. Enjoy!


Conscious togetherness

Life is yours to win

Dancing with the Desertwolf

Emotion, the machinery of Life

The 4th way

5 Secrets of the Matrix

Heavenly nourishment

The five minutes man and …

Siblings 1 – 3

£19 GBP


Earth meditation

Water meditation

Air meditation

Fire meditation

£14 GBP


Intuitive Intimacy

Trust yourself to trust others

How to find your perfect partner?

How to keep your gut happy?

Maintain your health with nature

£197 GBP

The green and gold AKIA-HERA logo